You can create structure in your projects by adding sub-projects. A sub-project functions as a folder within the master project and holds its own designs, issues and team.
Go to My Projects in the left sidebar of the project homepage. Hover over the design project you want to create a subproject for. Click the + icon.
A window pops up that allows you to create a new project within the existing project. Fill in the project details of your sub-project and click create project.
The sub-project automatically takes over the team settings of the master project it was derived from. To make changes in this go to the team tab of the created sup-project. Here you can invite new team members, delete team members and alter the permissions of team members.
Note that after creation the teams of the project and the sub-project are not interrelated. changes made in the sub-project team do not change the team members nor their permissions in the team of the master project it was derived from. Also when changes are made in the team of the master project later on in time, this does not cause changes in the team of the sub-project.
<aside> 💡 you can create as many sub-projects as you want. The sub-projects will automatically copy the team settings of the master project you derived it from.
Example: In project 'Crane' you created a sub-project 'Design'. When creating a sub-project 'Holder' within the sub-project 'Design' it will copy the team settings of the 'Design' sub-project (and not that of the 'Crane' project)