Bench3D offers 4 key-components that can allow teams to facilitate their collaborative design activities online: Project set-up, Design timelines, Feedback issue-tracking and Approval reviews. The key-components together allow for a basic workflow for teams to collaborate on design files.


The key-components can be used as building blocks to shape a fitting Bench3D workflow that works for your team.

Project Structure

In Bench3D teams can use the project structure functionalities to facilitate their project management tasks.

Users can divide their project into folders and subfolders and edit the team members that are invited for the folders. The folder hierarchy ensures that team members are only allowed to view and or edit files in folders that are in the same hierarchy level or lower.

This allows to distinguish e.g. certain design phases or sub projects and allows project managers to manage the team members that are invited to certain parts of the project. It also allows to easily invite clients to certain aspects of the project.

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Design timelines

Bench3D allows users to manage and keep track of the development of design files over time. Users can upload a design file and keep updating this by uploading new versions to the design file design timeline. This way users can easily trace back versions of design files allowing for quick access and comparison and overview of development over time.


Feedback issue-tracking

With Bench3D's issue-tracking feature, teams can flag, review, and approve feedback in a context rich and traceable way. Issues can be created as they arise, also outside of traditional design review meetings, and can exist across versions of the design file. This allows teams to keep overview of all the feedback previously given on the design as well as all the issues that are still pending.


Approval reviews

Bench3D allows users to conduct and track formal approval moments digitally. Reviews can be scheduled/created in the design file timeline by a creator and assigned to a reviewer. The creator creates a review package including everything the reviewer needs to conduct the review. Reviewers conduct the result, create feedback and conclude the result with a clear approval conclusion.
